Vibroacoustic Therapy

Why it’s so powerful and how it can help you right now

Vibroacoustic journeys can take us into a place inside ourselves to a time we felt safe & sound.

what is it?

It’s a complete therapy system increasing circulation and oxygen to the cells, assisting the body’s removal of waste at a cellular level, improving respiration, digestion and sleep. The relaxation response is induced very quickly allowing the body to rest, digest and repair as per design. Something it can’t do if we’re in stress or sympathetic fight or flight mode.

Using specialized equipment such as a sound table, chair, mat or cushion specific low frequency is applied directly to the body. Music may accompany the treatment. Contact me for an equipment consultation.

Because sound travels 4-5x faster through water than air, this makes the human body a perfect medium for therapeutic applications of sound, frequency and music.

Vibroacoustic with music session and voice analysis at Sea of Sound Studio ONE, Nanaimo BC

SOUND MEDITATION using Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT)

It’s a complementary therapy system, remarkably effective in reducing the perception of pain as you’ll see in my case study . Included in the study are some of the many research papers and articles highlighting the effectiveness of VAT.

In its simplest appreciation, it’s quickly and profoundly relaxing. Some describe a womb like experience while others have a visual journey in the mind that reveals a message. VAT is an excellent complementary therapy.