sound healing workshop

What you’ll learn:

  • History of tuning forks and how they’ve been used and are used today. *hint…. ask any chiropractor or paramedic!

  • Technical aspects and what to look for when you’re buying. We’ll chat cycles per second (hz), overtones & harmonics, metal alloy vs aluminum or steel, handles, boots & and gemstones…

  • How to use them on yourself and others effectively. Great for relaxation, meditation, circulation, pain management, reduce swelling, sharpen your hearing sense, balance your nervous system… and so much more!

  • PLUS we will do self treatments as well as work on each other to refine the techniques.

  • Why they speak directly to our cells in sacred mathematical ratios that our body already knows.

  • We will also explore the Vagus Nerve and some useful acupuncture meridians you can apply your forks on.

  • Give yourself a tuning fork facial and use a fork with a boot to move lymph.

  • Who’s who and what’s what in forks, different sets and their origins.

  • Create your own daily practice with your new tuning fork(s)!

  • AND MORE!!!!!!

Who’s it for??

From calming personal anxiety, helping a loved one or stressed out baby to clearing energy, aligning chakras and supporting deep meditation tuning forks are elegant tools of transformation.

Add to your own daily meditation, yoga class or body work business.

No batteries. No EMFs. No internet required. Everyone can use these!

What’s included:

The Book

John Beaulieu’s book “Human Tuning” is a foundational read for anyone wanting to use forks and learn the basic valuable premises of sound healing. I have highlighted the dickens out of mine and refer to it often. I know you’ll enjoy it too, you’ll get your own copy to take home.

the Forks!

During the workshop we’ll use both the weighted Otto 128hz fork and the set of Body Tuners, C & G (unweighted), so you can experience using tuning forks on and around the body. I’ll have a few others there to play with too but you will go home with your choice of either the 128hz or the Body Tuners.

These are excellent forks to start with and we’ll discover many ways to use them on yourself and others during the workshop.

I’ll also send you off with some great resources to continue your exploration.

$199 includes the 2 hour workshop, the book and your choice of either the Body Tuner C & G set (2 unwieghted forks) OR the 128hz Otto (weighted fork) We will explore with all of these and you can decide at the end of the workshop which ones you want to take home.

Already have the book and/or forks above? see options below.

*Must have the above listed materials to participate

**payment by etransfer or cash preferred, see form below

The Body Tuners and the Perfect 5th musical interval, the tone between these forks is math, music AND magic:

Lao Tzu referred to the perfect fifth as the sound of universal harmony between the forces of Yin and Yang. In India, the fifth is believed to create a sound through which Shiva calls Shakti to the dance of life. Apollo, the Greek Sun God of Music and Healing plucked the fifth on his Sacred lyre to call dolphin messengers to Delphi.

On Vancouver Island or Gulf Islands? Got 10 or more people? Host gift valued at $99 and you attend free.

INterested in attending or hosting?

Ready to REALLY relax?

Try a Vibroacoustic session….